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July 20, 2023
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July 21, 2023Suicide or attempted suicide are behaviours that were forbidden in most religions in this world. So, the foreign lawmakers/ colonizers had imposed upon us their ideology of what they thought was right and wrong. While many had considered a punitive approach to deter this action, all that was needed was to give them a leg-up and offer a therapeutic environment for them to reflect and look for ways to overcome their psychological turmoil.
In May 2022, a survey on mental health and wellness in Malaysia, conducted by Rakuten Insight revealed that 59% among the respondents aged 16 to 24, experienced increased levels of stress or anxiety. Additionally, 34% among the respondents aged 25 to 34, indicated that their stress and anxiety levels remained consistent in the past 12 months.
Through the reports on the number of cases involving attempted suicide, we can deduce that the mental health condition among youth is deteriorating. It is interesting to note that, the Malaysian government recognized this issue and has abolished Section 309, (which states that those who attempt to commit suicide shall be punished with a jail term of up to one year, or a fine, or both, if convicted). Forthwith, the parliament passed the amendment in their last session.
Our government’s efforts in decriminalising suicide are worthy of laudation. It made us understand that these individuals at risk are those who require help and medical attention as opposed to being treated like convicts.
However, this raises other questions in matters in relation to the implementation and enforcement of this action! Is the abolition of Act 309 alone sufficient to prevent suicide? Will there be any changes in the service provided to these vulnerable individuals? What are the mechanisms adopted as treatments for these patients?
The current reform gives us a glimmer of hope for the betterment of the aspects of Law Enforcement and the Criminal Justice System in making the society thrive peacefully in this beautiful nation.
Written by: Priyadarshini Nadaraj