Football Micro Awards Programmes

Micro Award in Human Anatomy & Physiology

Course Description

The course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the structure and function of the human body. The course will cover topics ranging from the organization of the body's systems to the physiological processes that enable normal bodily functions such as cardiovascular system, muscular system, skeletal system, energy system, and the concept of homeostasis.

Course Outline

1. Introduction to Applied Anatomy
2. Cells and Tissue
3. Cardiovascular System
4. Skeletal System
5. Respiratory System
6. Muscular System
7. Integumentary System
8. Application of Anatomy in Football

Pathway and Values

The course will be valuable for inspiring coaches or trainers to understand the basic anatomical terminology and body organisation and how the human body works. Learning this course can help the individuals. It can also provide career opportunities such related to healthcare.

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Micro Award in Sports Psychology

Course Description

This course is designed to explore the dynamic intersection of psychology and sports performance. Delve into the mental aspects of athletic success, including motivation, concentration, goal-setting, and stress management. Discover techniques to enhance mental resilience, boost confidence, and optimise overall athletic potential. Elevate your understanding of the mind-game connection in this engaging and transformative learning experience.

Course Outline

1. Introduction to Sports Psychology
2. Understanding Motivation and Achievement
3. Cognitive Evaluation Theory
4. Goal Setting, Anxiety, and Arousal
5. Imagery Method
6. Self-Confidence
7. Children and Sport

Pathway and Values

Sports psychology equips individuals with techniques to manage stress, stay focused, and maintain optimal performance under pressure. These skills translate directly to the workplace, helping working professionals handle deadlines, presentations, and high-stress situations more effectively. The course often covers topics such as effective communication, leadership, and team dynamics. These skills are highly transferable to the workplace, fostering better collaboration, conflict resolution, and the ability to motivate and inspire colleagues.

Sports psychology teaches individuals how to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to changing circumstances. This resilience is invaluable in the professional world, where challenges and uncertainties are commonplace. Sports psychology promotes a growth mindset, encouraging individuals to view challenges as opportunities for growth. This mindset shift can inspire working professionals to seek continuous improvement and skill development throughout their careers.

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Micro Award in Sports Nutrition

Course Description

This course explores the essential principles and practices of sports nutrition, focusing on how diet and nutritional strategies can enhance athletic performance, recovery, and overall health.

Course Outline

1. Introduction to Nutrition
2. Dietary Guidelines
3. Digestion, Energy System, and Metabolism
4. Carbohydrates
5. Fat
6. Protein
7. Vitamin
8. Mineral
9. Food Label Law
10. Fluid & Electrolyte Replacement

Pathway and Values

Learning about "Sports Nutrition" can provide numerous benefits and values for working people across various industries. A deep understanding of sports nutrition can help individuals optimize their physical performance, whether they are athletes or professionals who need to be physically active for their job. It can lead to better personal health and well-being. The principles of balanced nutrition, hydration, and nutrient timing can be applied to improve overall health and manage weight effectively.

Any people in physically demanding jobs turn to dietary supplements for enhanced performance. Understanding the benefits and risks of various supplements can help individuals make informed decisions and avoid potentially harmful substances. For those interested in nutrition-related roles, such as dietitians, nutrition coaches, or fitness trainers, a background in sports nutrition can open up additional career opportunities.

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Micro Award in Exercise Prescription

Course Description

The "Exercise Prescription" course provides a comprehensive understanding of tailoring exercise plans to individual needs. Covering physiological principles, assessment techniques, and program design, learners learn to create safe and effective exercise routines. Practical skills in analysing health profiles and prescribing appropriate activities are emphasised.

Course Outline

1. Introduction to Exercise Rehabilitation
2. Pre-participation Health Screening and Risk Stratification
3. Pre-Exercise Evaluation
4. Health-Related Physical Fitness Testing
5. Exercise Prescription for Metabolic Disease
6. Clinical Exercise Testing
7. Interpretation for Clinical Exercise Test Data
8. General Principle of Exercise Prescription
9. Exercise Prescription for Healthy Populations and Special Considerations
10. Gait and Postural Assessment
11. Assessment Plan: Range of Motion

Pathway and Values

Inspiring health and wellness professionals, such as personal trainers, fitness instructors, and health coaches, can enhance their expertise in creating personalised exercise plans that align with their clients' goals and medical conditions. Implementing exercise prescription knowledge in the workplace can improve employees' physical health, mental well-being, and productivity. It can also contribute to a healthier work culture and decreased absenteeism. Offering exercise prescription programs as part of corporate wellness initiatives can lead to improved employee morale, reduced healthcare costs, higher job satisfaction, and a more attractive workplace for potential hires.

Industrial training focus on hands-on skills and real-world applications. Participants can gain practical experience that goes beyond theoretical knowledge, enabling them to perform tasks more effectively in their roles. Mastering new skills can boost an individual's confidence in their abilities. This newfound confidence can positively impact their performance, communication, and interactions with colleagues and superiors. For individuals working in office environments, gaining insights into other departments or functions within their organisation through industrial training can lead to better cross-functional collaboration and a more holistic understanding of their company's operations. Mastering new skills and seeing the positive impact of these skills in their work can lead to increased job satisfaction for individuals. This can contribute to a more positive and fulfilling work experience.

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Micro Award in Physical Fitness

Course Description

Maintaining physical fitness is crucial for working professionals to enhance their overall well-being, productivity, and quality of life. This comprehensive course is specifically designed to provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to integrate effective physical fitness routines into their daily routines.

Course Outline

1. Introduction To Physical Fitness And Wellness
2. Benefits And Risk Associated With Exercise
3. Exercise Principles For Developing And Maintaining Good Health, Wellness And Fitness
4. Preparing For Exercise
5. Cardiorespiratory Fitness
6. Resistance Training
7. Warm Up & Flexibility Training
8. Questionable Exercises & Safe Alternatives
9. Exercise Prescription For Special Population
10. Methods For Changing Exercising Behaviors
11. Group Exercise: Instructing A Gx Class

Pathway and Values

This course will be very beneficial for everyone; whether they are working individuals or stay-at-home mom because this course will help the participants to understand the basic concept of fitness, health, and wellbeing and how to increase energy and productivity whether it is at work or at home. This course will also help the participants to understand about stress reduction for enhanced mental clarity and creativity through exercise.

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Micro Award in Fund Raising & Sponsorship

Course Description

The course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and strategies required to effectively raise funds and secure sponsorships for various projects, initiatives, and organizations. The course focuses on practical techniques, case studies, and real-world scenarios to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the fundraising landscape.

Course Outline

1. Sponsorship and Fund Raising
2. Sponsorship Fundamental
3. Professional Sports Finance
4. College & University Sports Finance
5. Writing a Sponsorship Proposal
6. Sponsorship & The Football Games
7. Annual Campaign
8. Major Gift

Pathway and Values

The course will be beneficial who are working as part of marketing or sales team in terms of understanding and identifying fundraising opportunities. It will help the participants to develop effective fundraising strategies such as utilizing digital platforms in fundraising. It will also help the participants to have the ability to navigate ethical and legal considerations when it comes to fundraising and sponsorship.

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Micro Award in Tournament & Event Management

Course Description

This course is designed to equip participants with the essential skills and knowledge needed to successfully plan, organize, and execute various types of tournaments and events. Whether you're interested in sports tournaments, corporate events, cultural festivals, or community gatherings, this course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, strategies, and practical techniques required to ensure the seamless management of events from inception to completion.

Course Outline

1. Tournament & Event Management Introduction
2. Introduction to Events
3. Demand of Events
4. Events Process
5. Media Coverage of Events
6. Implication of Events
7. Income from Events
8. Sporting Events

Pathway and Values

The course will be focusing on providing participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively plan, organize, and execute successful tournaments and events. It will help those in related fields to understand event planning and management such as event conceptualisation and design, budgeting, marketing and sponsor management, etc. It will also help the participant to understand about event feedback as well as legal and ethical considerations and cultural sensitivity.

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Micro Award in Introduction to Football Coaching Skills

Course Description

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to football coaching skills. Explore the fundamentals of effective coaching, tactical strategies, player development, and communication techniques. Develop a solid foundation to lead and inspire teams, fostering growth both on and off the field. Suitable for beginners and enthusiasts alike.

Course Outline

1. Introduction to Football Coaching Skills
2. Coach in Action-Knowledge in Football
3. Coach Roles in Developing Skills
4. Analyzing the Roles of the Coach
5. Safety & Injury: Preparation During & After
6. The Body in Action
7. Special Population: Working with Children
8. Special Population: Working with Disabled Athlete

Pathway and Values

For football enthusiast, this course will help to Understand the core principles, terminology, and concepts of football coaching, allowing participants to communicate effectively with players, parents, and other coaches. It will also help to gain a solid foundation in coaching principles and methodologies and develop transferable skills like effective communication, leadership, and problem-solving, valuable for both work and personal life. The course will also hep the participants to grasp the importance of adapting coaching methods to different age groups, ensuring that coaching practices are aligned with the physical, mental, and emotional development of players.

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Micro Award in Football Business

Course Description

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the intricate ecosystem that surrounds football, focusing on its business aspects. Through a blend of theory and real-world case studies, learners will explore the economics, marketing, management, and global impact of football, gaining insights into the dynamic football industry.

Course Outline

1. Introduction to Football Business
2. Strategic Management and Football Business
3. Football Politics and Policy
4. Administration Structure of Football
5. The Economics of Football
6. Developments in Football Ownership
7. Principle of Sports Media
8. The Media and the Football Business
9. Football and Sponsorship
10. Club and Fan Relationship
11. Football and the Community
12. The E-Business of Football
13. Football Brand Management
14. Future of Business in Football

Pathway and Values

The course will help the participant to develop proficiency in financial concepts specific to the football industry, such as budgeting, revenue streams, sponsorship deals, ticket sales, and player contracts. The participants will also learn to establish and manage relationships with sponsors, advertisers, and partners to enhance revenue generation and mutually beneficial collaborations. Those who don’t work in the sport industry will be able to analyse the strategic decisions made in the football industry and apply similar decision-making frameworks to other business contexts.

Develop skills in long-term planning, goal setting, and adapting strategies to changing environments. They can also study how football clubs secure sponsorships and partnerships and apply these negotiation and relationship-building skills to other business collaborations. Understand the importance of networking and establishing mutually beneficial partnerships. Examine how the football industry embraces innovation and new technologies and apply a similar mindset to foster innovation and adapt to changing markets in other fields. Develop skills in recognising opportunities for improvement and implementing innovative solutions.

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Micro Award in Athletic Training & Injuries

Course Description

This course is designed to explore athletic training and injuries, providing comprehensive insights into prevention, assessment, and rehabilitation techniques. Covering common sports-related injuries and their management, it equips learners with practical skills to ensure athlete well-being. A holistic approach to sports injury care is emphasised, integrating science and hands-on training.

Course Outline

1. Introduction to Athletic Training
2. Emergency Response Plan
3. Injury Assessment for Sports
4. Managing Unconscious Athlete
5. Open Wound
6. Fracture & Dislocation
7. Heat Stress
8. Cold Injury
9. Acute Motion Sickness
10. Drugs in Sports
11. Injury Rehabilitation
12. Meniscus Injury
13. Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Sprain
14. Overuse Injury
15. Overtraining
16. Exercise for Pregnant Women

Pathway and Values

Participant will be able learn to effectively diagnose and manage sports-related injuries, enabling you to provide timely and appropriate care to athletes. This skill is crucial for sports professionals such as coaches, athletic trainers, and sports medicine practitioners, as it aids in reducing recovery time and preventing long-term consequences.

It will also help to gain the ability to respond swiftly and appropriately to emergencies such as fractures, concussions, and other acute injuries. This skill is essential for sports professionals who need to provide immediate care in high-pressure situations. The course will develop the ability to advocate for your own health and safety during physical activities. By being proactive and informed, you can engage in sports and exercises in a way that minimizes the risk of injuries and maximizes enjoyment.

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Micro Award in Sports Facilities Management

Course Description

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of sports facility management. Exploring key concepts in planning, operations, and maintenance, learners will learn to optimise resource utilisation, enhance user experiences, and ensure efficient facility functioning. Practical insights into industry trends and challenges will be covered for effective management strategies.

Course Outline

1. Introduction to Sports Facilities Management
2. Introduction to Sports Facilities Management II
3. Management Theory and Human Resources
4. Facility Development Planning & Design
5. Facility Systems and Operation Systems
6. Facility Administration, Marketing, and Sales
7. Event and Activity Management Security

Pathway and Values

Participants will develop a deep understanding of sports facility management, allowing them to efficiently oversee various aspects such as operations, maintenance, and scheduling. This skill enhancement can lead to improved career opportunities and progression within the sports industry. It will also help to gain insights into optimizing resource allocation, maintenance protocols, and scheduling, leading to streamlined facility operations. This can result in cost savings and better resource utilization for sports organizations.

The principles of sports facility management encompass various managerial concepts that can be applied to different sectors. Participants can develop skills in resource management, team coordination, and operational efficiency that are valuable across industries. Even if not directly working in sports, understanding sports facility management trends can keep participants informed about developments in design, technology, and safety that might influence their own areas of interest.

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Micro Award in Exercise Physiology

Course Description

The course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the physiological responses and adaptations that occur during exercise. The course will delve into the intricate mechanisms that govern the human body's response to various types of physical activity. Through a combination of theoretical lectures, practical demonstrations, and hands-on activities, you will gain insights into how exercise affects the cardiovascular, muscular, respiratory, and metabolic systems.

Course Outline

1. Basic Energy System
2. Muscular Control of Movement
3. Hormonal Response during Exercise
4. Neuroendocrine Functions: Control of Metabolic Funcion and Muscle Physiology
5. Neural Control of Exercising Muscle
6. The Cardiovascular System and Its Control
7. Respiratory System and Its Regulation
8. Cardiovascular Response to Acute Exercise
9. Adaptation to Training: Resistance Training
10. Adaptation to Aerobic Exercise
11. Thermoregulation and Exercise
12. Exercise at Altitude
13. Fluid Balance during Exercise

Pathway and Values

The course will be very beneficial to the inspiring coaches or trainers to understand how the human body responds to exercise and training to optimize their athletes’ performances. The course will also help the participants to understand more on injury prevention and management as well as long-term health benefits.

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Micro Award in Introduction to Sports Law

Course Description

The course is designed to provide learners with a foundational understanding of key legal concepts and principles. The course aims to familiarize participants with the basics of the legal system, enabling them to navigate legal issues in both personal and professional contexts. The course will cover fundamental legal concepts, the structure of the legal system, and how the law impacts various aspects of society and business.

Course Outline

1. Sources of Law
2. Machinery of Justice
3. Legal Personnel
4. Formation of Valid Contracts
5. Contents of Contracts
6. Vitiating Factors

Pathway and Values

The course will help those who wants to pursue career in law, especially sports law, or someone who owns a sports institution to understand the legal system and learn how to analyse legal issues as well as navigate basic legal procedures. This course will also help them to communicate effectively about legal matters when necessary.

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Micro Award in Sociology in Football

Course Description

This course is designed to explore the intricate relationship between sociology and football in this engaging course. Participants will delve into how this global sport reflects and influences societal norms, identities, and dynamics. Analyse fan culture, gender roles, race, class, and more, to gain insights into the broader social fabric through the lens of the beautiful game.

Course Outline

1. Tournament and Competition
2. Referee in Football
3. Influence of Commercialism
4. Influence of Media
5. Influence of Governance Policies
6. World Cup FIFA
7. Gender and Football
8. Abuse in Football
9. Winning
10. Football Fans
11. Football Hooliganism

Pathway and Values

The course will help working individuals gain insights into how football (soccer) functions as a microcosm of society. They will learn how various social, economic, cultural, and political factors impact the sport and its participants, fans, The course encourages critical thinking by analysing the intersections between football and society. Participants will learn to question and analyse issues such as racism, sexism, nationalism, and commercialisation within the context of the sport. and stakeholders.

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Micro Award in Sports Officiating in Football

Course Description

The course is designed to explore the intricacies of sport officiating in football through this comprehensive course. Gain a deep understanding of rules, game management, and decision-making. Learn to navigate complex situations, enforce fair play, and maintain the spirit of the game. Develop essential communication and leadership skills. Ideal for both aspiring referees and football enthusiasts seeking a behind-the-scenes perspective.

Course Outline

1. Introduction to Sports Official
2. Developing Officiating Philosophy
3. Psychology of Officiating
4. Managing Professional Responsibilities
5. Personal Fitness for Officials
6. Officiating Techniques and Mechanics
7. Officiating Flag Football

Pathway and Values

Completing the course could lead to opportunity to get official certification as a football referee or official. This certification can provide credibility and recognition within the football community and make individuals eligible to officiate matches at various levels, from local leagues to potentially even professional games. The course would likely provide in-depth knowledge about the rules, regulations, and intricacies of football officiating. Participants would learn about different aspects of the game, including positioning, signalling, decision-making, and handling various game scenarios.

This enhanced understanding can significantly improve their officiating abilities. For those interested in pursuing a career in sports officiating, obtaining a certification through this course can open doors to various opportunities. Depending on their level of expertise and experience, individuals could officiate matches at different levels of competition, from youth leagues to amateur leagues and potentially even higher levels.

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Micro Award in Football Exercise Methodology & Physical Conditioning

Course Description

This course is designed to enhance understanding of football exercise methodologies and physical conditioning. Exploring key principles, strategies, and techniques, it equips participants with insights into tailoring training regimens, preventing injuries, and optimizing performance.

Course Outline

1. Cardiovascular Endurance Training
2. Theory of Planning in Training
3. Flexibility Training
4. Strength Training through Weight Training
5. Aerobic Conditioning
6. Aerobic Energy Training
7. Aerobic Endurance Exercise Training
8. Adaptation to Aerobic Endurance Training Program
9. Resistance Training & Spotting Technique
10. Resistance Training
11. Adaptation to Anaerobic Training Program
12. Principle of Testing
13. Warm Up, Flexibility, & Stretching

Pathway and Values

This course equips working individuals with comprehensive knowledge about exercise methodologies and physical conditioning tailored specifically for football. By participating, individuals can significantly improve their overall physical fitness, including cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and agility. This enhanced fitness can lead to better health outcomes, increased energy levels, and improved quality of life. For busy working professionals, time is often limited.

This course teaches efficient exercise methodologies that are specifically designed for football players. The course might introduce coaches to the utilisation of sports science and technology in training. This knowledge enables them to incorporate data-driven insights into their coaching, leading to evidence-based decisions and more effective training plans.

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Micro Award in Football Performance Analysis

Course Description

This course is designed to delve into the intricacies of Football Performance Analysis. Explore techniques for assessing player and team dynamics, match strategies, and game outcomes. Gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge tools and methodologies, honing skills essential for enhancing performance and decision-making in the dynamic world of football.

Course Outline

1. Basic Football Performance Analysis
2. Football Performance Indicator
3. Football Game System and Tactics
4. Principles of Play
5. Principles of Play in Football Defence
6. Art of Defending
7. Principles of Play in Football Attack
8. Art of Goal Scoring
9. Match Preparation for Football
10. Football Match Analysis (Quantitave Analysis)

Pathway and Values

Professionals in the sports industry, such as coaches, analysts, and team managers, will benefit from improved decision-making abilities. They will learn to analyze football performances to identify strengths, weaknesses, and patterns, leading to more informed strategic choices during matches. Learning football performance analysis provides access to a wealth of data. Analysts can extract valuable insights about player performance, team dynamics, and opponent strategies, enabling them to uncover trends and adapt strategies accordingly. Learning football performance analysis fosters analytical thinking and data interpretation skills that are applicable beyond sports. Individuals can use these skills in various contexts, such as problem-solving in their careers or daily life.

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Complimentary Programmes

The following programmes are FREE to learn and will be required if you want a certified MQA diploma.

Micro Award in Introduction to Business & Mathematics

Course Description

This course is designed to provide learners with a foundational understanding of how mathematics is integral to the world of business. Exploring concepts like financial analysis, data interpretation, and optimisation, learners will gain essential skills for effective decision-making and problem-solving in various business contexts. No advanced math background required.

Course Outline

1. Introduction: Your Future in Business Begins Now
2. Entrepreneurship: Starting and Managing Your Own Business
3. Understanding Evolving Economic Systems and Competition
4. Forms of Business Ownership
5. Understanding The Customer and Creating Goods and Service That Satisfy
6. Set and Venn Diagram
7. Counting Techniques
8. Probability

Pathway and Values

Working professionals will learn how to apply mathematical concepts to real-world business scenarios, improving their ability to analyze complex problems, identify patterns, and make informed decisions. Participants will develop a solid foundation in financial mathematics, allowing them to understand financial statements, budgets, and forecasts. This knowledge is invaluable for roles involving budgeting, financial analysis, and planning. The intersection of business and mathematics is relevant across various industries. Professionals will be equipped to collaborate effectively with colleagues from different departments, fostering interdisciplinary teamwork. As industries evolve and become more data-driven, professionals with a solid understanding of business mathematics will be better equipped to adapt to technological advancements and changing business landscapes.

Micro Award in Business Economics

Course Description

This course is designed to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of business economics. Through theoretical frameworks and real-world case studies, learners will explore key economic concepts and their applications in business decision-making. Topics include supply and demand analysis, cost structures, market structures, and the impact of economic factors on business strategies. By the end, learners will possess a strong foundation in business economics essential for informed managerial choices.

Course Outline

1. What is economics?
2. Economic System
3. Demand and Supply
4. Market Equilibrium
5. Elasticity
6. Macroeconomy
7. GDP and GDP Per Capita
8. Economic Growth
9. Unemployment and Inflation
10. Expenditure Multipliers

Pathway and Values

Participants can apply economic theories and analytical skills to assess market trends, consumer behaviour, and competitive positioning. They can contribute to identifying growth opportunities, optimizing product portfolios, and refining pricing strategies. With a solid foundation in Business Economics, professionals can pursue careers in consulting firms, providing expert advice to businesses seeking to navigate economic challenges, optimize operations, and achieve sustainable growth. Entrepreneurs who understand economic principles can make more informed decisions related to market entry, pricing, and resource allocation, increasing their chances of success in competitive markets.

Micro Award in English for Leadership

Course Description

This course is designed to enhance leadership communication through English proficiency. It covers persuasive writing, effective presentations, and intercultural communication. Develop linguistic skills crucial for leading diverse teams, articulating visions, and influencing stakeholders. Elevate your leadership impact with language precision and confidence.

Course Outline

1. Leadership styles and application
2. Leadership effectiveness and measurement
3. New Leadership and Charisma
4. Power and influence
5. Speaking English for the real world
6. Personality Development
7. Public speaking skills
8. Introduction to Communication
9. Interview skills
10. Oral presentation

Pathway and Values

Participants will develop the ability to articulate their ideas, thoughts, and strategies effectively. Clear and concise communication is crucial for leaders to convey their vision, expectations, and plans to their teams, fostering a positive and productive work environment. Leaders need to foster strong relationships within their teams. The course will focus on interpersonal skills, active listening, and conflict resolution, helping participants create a cohesive and motivated team. Providing constructive feedback is essential for team growth. Participants will learn how to offer feedback that motivates improvement and supports professional development. Leaders must model ethical behavior through their communication. The course will emphasize the importance of honesty, transparency, and integrity in leadership communication.

Micro Award in Industrial Training

Course Description

This course is design to allow the participants to Immerse themselves in real-world industries. They will gain hands-on experience in diverse settings, refine technical skills, and understand industry workflows as well as collaborate with experts, tackle challenges, and develop a practical perspective on their chosen field.

Course Outline

  • No Module (Based on working experience for complimentary)
  • Pathway and Values

    Industrial training focus on hands-on skills and real-world applications. Participants can gain practical experience that goes beyond theoretical knowledge, enabling them to perform tasks more effectively in their roles. Mastering new skills can boost an individual's confidence in their abilities. This newfound confidence can positively impact their performance, communication, and interactions with colleagues and superiors.

    For individuals working in office environments, gaining insights into other departments or functions within their organisation through industrial training can lead to better cross-functional collaboration and a more holistic understanding of their company's operations. Mastering new skills and seeing the positive impact of these skills in their work can lead to increased job satisfaction for individuals. This can contribute to a more positive and fulfilling work experience.

    Micro Award in Presentation Techniques

    Course Description

    This course is designed to enhance your presentation techniques, equipping you with the skills to communicate effectively and confidently. Learn to structure content, engage audiences, and master delivery methods. Develop strategies for impactful visuals and handle Q&A sessions. Elevate your public speaking prowess and achieve compelling, memorable presentations.

    Course Outline

    1. The Art Of Telling Your Story
    2. Graphics : The Correct Way To Design Powerpoint Slides
    3. Delivery Skills : Action Speaks Louder Than Words
    4. Handling Tough Question
    5. Putting It All Together

    Pathway and Values

    Mastering presentation techniques equips working professionals with the ability to communicate effectively and clearly. This skill is invaluable in conveying ideas, updates, and proposals to colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. Engaging presentations captivate audiences and hold their attention. Professionals who can present their ideas persuasively are more likely to gain buy-in from colleagues, clients, and superiors, leading to successful project implementation and improved decision-making.

    Learning how to structure and deliver concise presentations helps professionals convey their messages efficiently. This skill is particularly valuable in meetings and discussions where time is limited. Presentation techniques also include strategies for handling unexpected situations, technical glitches, or challenging audience members. Working professionals can develop adaptability and quick thinking in such scenarios.

    Micro Award in Falsafah & Isu Semasa

    Course Description

    This course is designed to explore the fundamental principles of philosophy and their application to contemporary issues. Through critical analysis and discussions, learners will delve into various philosophical concepts and their relevance to current societal, ethical, and cultural dilemmas. Gain insights into the intersection of thought and real-world challenges in Falsafah dan Isu Semasa.

    Course Outline

    1. Pengenalan Ilmu Falsafah
    2. Falsafah Dalam Kehidupan
    3. Logik
    4. Psikologi Dan Sosiologi
    5. Metafizik
    6. Epistemologi
    7. Ideologi
    8. Dekolonisasi
    9. Kajian Kes Terpilih Falsafah Dan Isu Semasa

    Pathway and Values

    Participants will learn to analyse complex issues from multiple angles, identify underlying assumptions, and evaluate arguments critically. These skills can aid in problem-solving and decision-making in the workplace, allowing professionals to make more informed and well-reasoned choices. Philosophical discussions often revolve around ethical considerations. By exploring various ethical theories and their applications, working professionals can refine their ability to make ethical decisions in their careers. This can lead to a stronger sense of integrity and responsibility in their professional roles.

    The course involves discussing contemporary issues, which often require individuals to adapt to evolving circumstances. By grappling with current challenges from a philosophical standpoint, working professionals can develop the flexibility and adaptability needed to navigate changes in their careers. The course encourages participants to explore different viewpoints and engage in constructive debates. These skills can be directly applied to resolving conflicts within the workplace, promoting collaboration and understanding among colleagues.

    Micro Award in Kursus Integriti & Anti Rasuah

    Course Description

    This course is designed to foster an understanding of integrity principles and anti-corruption measures. learners will explore ethical decision-making, corruption's impact on society, and strategies to prevent and combat corruption. Through case studies and discussions, participants will develop practical skills to promote integrity in various contexts. This course empowers individuals to contribute positively to transparent and accountable environments.

    Course Outline

    1. Pengenalan kepada Rasuah dan Antirasuah
    2. Agensi-Agensi Berkaitan Pencegahan Rasuah dan Pembudayaan Integriti Pengenalan kepada SPRM - Peneraju usaha pencegahan rasuah.
    3. Rasuah berdasarkan Akta SPRM 2009
    4. Jenayah kolar putih
    5. Punca, simptom dan kesan rasuah ∙ Punca jenayah rasuah berdasarkan beberapa teori
    6. Peranan institusi sosial dalam pembudayaan integriti
    7. Laporkan rasuah, langkah pencegahan dan inisiatif kerajaan ∙ Kewajipan melaporkan tawaran
    8. Liabiliti korporat

    Pathway and Values

    Participants will grasp the fundamental concepts of integrity, ethics, and corruption. They will be able to distinguish between acceptable and unethical behaviours, recognising the importance of maintaining high moral standards in their professional roles. Participants will gain insights into the legal and regulatory aspects of anti-corruption efforts. They will understand relevant laws, regulations, and international conventions aimed at preventing corruption and promoting transparency.

    Participants will be able to assess corruption risks within their work environments. They will develop skills to design and implement risk management strategies, reducing the likelihood of corruption incidents. Participants will explore ways to engage stakeholders, including employees, clients, and the community, in anti-corruption efforts. They will learn how to build partnerships and communicate the organisation's commitment to integrity.

    Micro Award in Khidmat Masyarakat

    Course Description

    This course is designed to foster an understanding of community service principles and practices. learners will explore various methods of engagement, collaboration, and impact assessment within diverse social contexts. Through practical experiences and theoretical insights, learners will develop skills in problem-solving, empathy, and effective communication, preparing them to make meaningful contributions to society.

    Course Outline

    1. Pengenalan kepada Kursus Khidmat Masyarakat

    Pathway and Values

    Apply newfound community engagement skills to enhance their professional roles, leading to increased leadership opportunities and career advancement. Collaborate with their employers to integrate corporate social responsibility initiatives into their workplace, aligning their company's values with community needs. Expand their network by connecting with fellow participants and community stakeholders, fostering mutually beneficial collaborations.

    Football Micro Awards Programmes

    Micro Award in Human Anatomy & Physiology

    Course Description

    The course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the structure and function of the human body. The course will cover topics ranging from the organization of the body's systems to the physiological processes that enable normal bodily functions such as cardiovascular system, muscular system, skeletal system, energy system, and the concept of homeostasis.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction to Anatomy
    2. Basic Chemistry
    3. Cells and Tissues
    4. Cardiovascular System
    5. Skeletal System
    6. Respiratory System
    7. Muscular System
    8. Integumentary System
    9. Lymphatic System
    10. Applied Anatomy

    Pathway and Values

    The course will be valuable for inspiring coaches or trainers to understand the basic anatomical terminology and body organization and how the human body works. Learning this course can help the individuals. It can also provide career opportunities such related to healthcare.

    Micro Award in Sports Psychology

    Course Description

    This course is designed to explore the dynamic intersection of psychology and sports performance. Delve into the mental aspects of athletic success, including motivation, concentration, goal-setting, and stress management. Discover techniques to enhance mental resilience, boost confidence, and optimize overall athletic potential. Elevate your understanding of the mind-game connection in this engaging and transformative learning experience.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction To Psychology
    2. Introduction To Sport Psychology
    3. Understanding Motivation, Achievement Goal Theory, Attribution Theory
    4. Cognitive Evaluation Theory
    5. Goal Setting, Anxiety And Arousal Regulation
    6. Imagery Method
    7. Self-Confidence
    8. Children And Sport

    Pathway and Values

    Sports psychology equips individuals with techniques to manage stress, stay focused, and maintain optimal performance under pressure. These skills translate directly to the workplace, helping working professionals handle deadlines, presentations, and high-stress situations more effectively. The course often covers topics such as effective communication, leadership, and team dynamics. These skills are highly transferable to the workplace, fostering better collaboration, conflict resolution, and the ability to motivate and inspire colleagues. Sports psychology teaches individuals how to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to changing circumstances. This resilience is invaluable in the professional world, where challenges and uncertainties are commonplace. Sports psychology promotes a growth mindset, encouraging individuals to view challenges as opportunities for growth. This mindset shift can inspire working professionals to seek continuous improvement and skill development throughout their careers.

    Micro Award in Sports Nutrition

    Course Description

    This course explores the essential principles and practices of sports nutrition, focusing on how diet and nutritional strategies can enhance athletic performance, recovery, and overall health.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction To Sports Nutrition
    2. Dietary Guidelines
    3. Digestion Absorption
    4. Energy System And Metabolism
    5. Carbohydrates
    6. Fats
    7. Protein
    8. Vitamins
    9. Minerals
    10. Food Label
    11. Supplements
    12. Fluid And Electrolyte

    Pathway and Values

    Learning about "Sports Nutrition" can provide numerous benefits and values for working people across various industries. A deep understanding of sports nutrition can help individuals optimize their physical performance, whether they are athletes or professionals who need to be physically active for their job. It can lead to better personal health and well-being. The principles of balanced nutrition, hydration, and nutrient timing can be applied to improve overall health and manage weight effectively. any people in physically demanding jobs turn to dietary supplements for enhanced performance. Understanding the benefits and risks of various supplements can help individuals make informed decisions and avoid potentially harmful substances. For those interested in nutrition-related roles, such as dietitians, nutrition coaches, or fitness trainers, a background in sports nutrition can open up additional career opportunities.

    Micro Award in Exercise Prescription

    Course Description

    The "Exercise Prescription" course provides a comprehensive understanding of tailoring exercise plans to individual needs. Covering physiological principles, assessment techniques, and program design, students learn to create safe and effective exercise routines. Practical skills in analysing health profiles and prescribing appropriate activities are emphasized.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction To Exercise Rehabilitation
    2. Pre-Participation Health Screening And Risk Stratification
    3. Pre-Exercise Evaluations
    4. Health-Related Physical Fitness Testing And Interpretation
    5. Exercise Prescription For Metabolic Disease
    6. Clinical Exercise Testing
    7. Interpretation Of Clinical Exercise Test Data
    8. General Principles Of Exercise Prescription
    9. Exercise Prescription For Healthy Populations And Special Considerations
    10. Gait And Postural Assessment
    11. Assessment Plan: Range Of Motion

    Pathway and Values

    Inspiring health and wellness professionals, such as personal trainers, fitness instructors, and health coaches, can enhance their expertise in creating personalized exercise plans that align with their clients' goals and medical conditions. Implementing exercise prescription knowledge in the workplace can improve employees' physical health, mental well-being, and productivity. It can also contribute to a healthier work culture and decreased absenteeism. Offering exercise prescription programs as part of corporate wellness initiatives can lead to improved employee morale, reduced healthcare costs, higher job satisfaction, and a more attractive workplace for potential hires.

    Industrial training focus on hands-on skills and real-world applications. Participants can gain practical experience that goes beyond theoretical knowledge, enabling them to perform tasks more effectively in their roles. Mastering new skills can boost an individual's confidence in their abilities. This newfound confidence can positively impact their performance, communication, and interactions with colleagues and superiors. For individuals working in office environments, gaining insights into other departments or functions within their organization through industrial training can lead to better cross-functional collaboration and a more holistic understanding of their company's operations. Mastering new skills and seeing the positive impact of these skills in their work can lead to increased job satisfaction for individuals. This can contribute to a more positive and fulfilling work experience.

    Micro Award in Physical Fitness

    Course Description

    Maintaining physical fitness is crucial for working professionals to enhance their overall well-being, productivity, and quality of life. This comprehensive course is specifically designed to provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to integrate effective physical fitness routines into their daily routines.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction To Physical Fitness And Wellness
    2. Benefits And Risk Associated With Exercise
    3. Exercise Principles For Developing And Maintaining Good Health, Wellness And Fitness
    4. Preparing For Exercise
    5. Cardiorespiratory Fitness
    6. Resistance Training
    7. Warm Up & Flexibility Training
    8. Questionable Exercises & Safe Alternatives
    9. Exercise Prescription For Special Population
    10. Methods For Changing Exercising Behaviours
    11. Group Exercise: Instructing A Gx Class

    Pathway and Values

    This course will be very beneficial for everyone; whether they are working individuals or stay-at-home mom because this course will help the participants to understand the basic concept of fitness, health, and wellbeing and how to increase energy and productivity whether it is at work or at home. This course will also help the participants to understand about stress reduction for enhanced mental clarity and creativity through exercise.

    Micro Award in Fund Raising & Sponsorship

    Course Description

    The course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and strategies required to effectively raise funds and secure sponsorships for various projects, initiatives, and organizations. The course focuses on practical techniques, case studies, and real-world scenarios to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the fundraising landscape.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction to Fundraising and Sponsorship
    2. Techniques in Fundraising and Sponsorship
    3. Auditing your Organization
    4. Developing your Strategy for event sponsorship campaigns
    5. Matching the Event to Fundraising Objective
    6. Managing Fundraising Event and Sponsorship Marketing
    7. Identifying Potential Sponsor and Sponsorship Proposals
    8. Servicing the Sponsorship
    9. Legal and Ethical Issues of Fundraising and Sponsorship
    10. Practical template to kick-start event
    11. Future for event sponsorship and fundraising

    Pathway and Values

    The course will be beneficial who are working as part of marketing or sales team in terms of understanding and identifying fundraising opportunities. It will help the participants to develop effective fundraising strategies such as utilizing digital platforms in fundraising. It will also help the participants to have the ability to navigate ethical and legal considerations when it comes to fundraising and sponsorship.

    Micro Award in Tournament & Event Management

    Course Description

    This course is designed to equip participants with the essential skills and knowledge needed to successfully plan, organize, and execute various types of tournaments and events. Whether you're interested in sports tournaments, corporate events, cultural festivals, or community gatherings, this course will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, strategies, and practical techniques required to ensure the seamless management of events from inception to completion.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction to Tournament
    2. Introduction to Events
    3. Demand of Events
    4. Event Process
    5. Media Coverage of Events
    6. Implications of Events
    7. Income from Events
    8. Sporting Events

    Pathway and Values

    The course will be focusing on providing participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively plan, organize, and execute successful tournaments and events. It will help those in related fields to understand event planning and management such as event conceptualization and design, budgeting, marketing and sponsor management, etc. It will also help the participant to understand about event feedback as well as legal and ethical considerations and cultural sensitivity.

    Micro Award in Introduction to Football Coaching Skills

    Course Description

    This course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to football coaching skills. Explore the fundamentals of effective coaching, tactical strategies, player development, and communication techniques. Develop a solid foundation to lead and inspire teams, fostering growth both on and off the field. Suitable for beginners and enthusiasts alike.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction to Football Coaching Skills
    2. Coach in Action-Knowledge in Football
    3. Coach Roles in Developing Skills
    4. Analyzing the Roles of the Coach
    5. Safety & Injury: Preparation During & After
    6. The Body in Action
    7. Special Population: Working with Children
    8. Special Population: Working with Disabled Athlete

    Pathway and Values

    For football enthusiast, this course will help to Understand the core principles, terminology, and concepts of football coaching, allowing participants to communicate effectively with players, parents, and other coaches. It will also help to gain a solid foundation in coaching principles and methodologies and develop transferable skills like effective communication, leadership, and problem-solving, valuable for both work and personal life. The course will also hep the participants to grasp the importance of adapting coaching methods to different age groups, ensuring that coaching practices are aligned with the physical, mental, and emotional development of players.

    Micro Award in Football Business

    Course Description

    This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the intricate ecosystem that surrounds football, focusing on its business aspects. Through a blend of theory and real-world case studies, students will explore the economics, marketing, management, and global impact of football, gaining insights into the dynamic football industry.

    Course Outline

    1. Strategic Management and the Football Business
    2. Football, Politics and Policy
    3. The Administrative Structure of Football
    4. The Economics of Football
    5. Developments in Football Ownership
    6. The Media and the Football Business I & II
    7. Football and Sponsorship
    8. Club/Fan Relationships
    9. Football and the Community
    10. The e-business of Football

    Pathway and Values

    The course will help the participant to develop proficiency in financial concepts specific to the football industry, such as budgeting, revenue streams, sponsorship deals, ticket sales, and player contracts. The participants will also learn to establish and manage relationships with sponsors, advertisers, and partners to enhance revenue generation and mutually beneficial collaborations. Those who don’t work in the sport industry will be able to analyze the strategic decisions made in the football industry and apply similar decision-making frameworks to other business contexts.

    Develop skills in long-term planning, goal setting, and adapting strategies to changing environments. They can also study how football clubs secure sponsorships and partnerships and apply these negotiation and relationship-building skills to other business collaborations. Understand the importance of networking and establishing mutually beneficial partnerships. Examine how the football industry embraces innovation and new technologies and apply a similar mindset to foster innovation and adapt to changing markets in other fields. Develop skills in recognizing opportunities for improvement and implementing innovative solutions.

    Micro Award in Athletic Training & Injuries

    Course Description

    This course is designed to explore athletic training and injuries, providing comprehensive insights into prevention, assessment, and rehabilitation techniques. Covering common sports-related injuries and their management, it equips students with practical skills to ensure athlete well-being. A holistic approach to sports injury care is emphasized, integrating science and hands-on training.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction to Athletic Training
    2. Emergency Response Plan
    3. Injury Assessment for Sports
    4. Managing Unconscious Athlete
    5. Open Wound
    6. Fracture & Dislocation
    7. Heat Stress
    8. Cold Injury
    9. Acute Motion Sickness
    10. Drugs in Sports
    11. Injury Rehablitation
    12. Meniscus Injury
    13. Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)
    14. Overuse Injury
    15. Overtraining
    16. Exercise for Pregnant Women

    Pathway and Values

    Participant will be able learn to effectively diagnose and manage sports-related injuries, enabling you to provide timely and appropriate care to athletes. This skill is crucial for sports professionals such as coaches, athletic trainers, and sports medicine practitioners, as it aids in reducing recovery time and preventing long-term consequences. It will also help to gain the ability to respond swiftly and appropriately to emergencies such as fractures, concussions, and other acute injuries. This skill is essential for sports professionals who need to provide immediate care in high-pressure situations. The course will develop the ability to advocate for your own health and safety during physical activities. By being proactive and informed, you can engage in sports and exercises in a way that minimizes the risk of injuries and maximizes enjoyment.

    Micro Award in Sports Facility Management

    Course Description

    This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of sports facility management. Exploring key concepts in planning, operations, and maintenance, students will learn to optimize resource utilization, enhance user experiences, and ensure efficient facility functioning. Practical insights into industry trends and challenges will be covered for effective management strategies.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction to Sport Facilities Management
    2. Introduction to Sport Facilities Management II
    3. Management Theory and Human Resources
    4. Facility Development Planning & Design
    5. Facility Systems and Operation Systems
    6. Facility Administration, Marketing, and Sales
    7. Evend and Activity Management Security

    Pathway and Values

    Participants will develop a deep understanding of sports facility management, allowing them to efficiently oversee various aspects such as operations, maintenance, and scheduling. This skill enhancement can lead to improved career opportunities and progression within the sports industry. It will also help to gain insights into optimizing resource allocation, maintenance protocols, and scheduling, leading to streamlined facility operations. This can result in cost savings and better resource utilization for sports organizations.

    The principles of sports facility management encompass various managerial concepts that can be applied to different sectors. Participants can develop skills in resource management, team coordination, and operational efficiency that are valuable across industries. Even if not directly working in sports, understanding sports facility management trends can keep participants informed about developments in design, technology, and safety that might influence their own areas of interest.

    Micro Award in Exercise Physiology

    Course Description

    The course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the physiological responses and adaptations that occur during exercise. The course will delve into the intricate mechanisms that govern the human body's response to various types of physical activity. Through a combination of theoretical lectures, practical demonstrations, and hands-on activities, you will gain insights into how exercise affects the cardiovascular, muscular, respiratory, and metabolic systems.

    Course Outline

    1. Bioenergetics
    2. Muscular Control of Movement
    3. Hormonal Response during Exercise
    4. Neuroendocrine Response during Exercise
    5. Neural Control during Exercise
    6. The Cardiovascular System and Its Control
    7. Respiratory System and Its Regulation
    8. Cardiovascular Response to Acute Exercise
    9. Adaptation to Training: Resistance Training
    10. Adaptations to Aerobic and Anaerobic
    11. Thermoregulation and Exercise
    12. Exercise at Altitude

    Pathway and Values

    The course will be very beneficial to the inspiring coaches or trainers to understand how the human body responds to exercise and training to optimize their athletes’ performances. The course will also help the participants to understand more on injury prevention and management as well as long-term health benefits.

    Micro Award in Introduction to Sports Law

    Course Description

    The course is designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of key legal concepts and principles. The course aims to familiarize participants with the basics of the legal system, enabling them to navigate legal issues in both personal and professional contexts. The course will cover fundamental legal concepts, the structure of the legal system, and how the law impacts various aspects of society and business.

    Course Outline

    1. Sources of Law
    2. Machinery of Justice
    3. Legal Personnel
    4. Formation of Valid Contracts
    5. Contents of Contracts
    6. Vitiating Factors
    7. Remedies of Breach of Contract
    8. Negligence and Occupiers Liability
    9. Private Nuisance and Rylands
    10. Trespass
    11. Remedies

    Pathway and Values

    The course will help those who wants to pursue career in law, especially sports law, or someone who owns a sports institution to understand the legal system and learn how to analyze legal issues as well as navigate basic legal procedures. This course will also help them to communicate effectively about legal matters when necessary.

    Micro Award in Sociology in Football

    Course Description

    This course is designed to explore the intricate relationship between sociology and football in this engaging course. Participants will delve into how this global sport reflects and influences societal norms, identities, and dynamics. Analyze fan culture, gender roles, race, class, and more, to gain insights into the broader social fabric through the lens of the beautiful game.

    Course Outline

    1. Tournament and Competition
    2. Referee in Football
    3. Influence of Commercialism
    4. Influence of Media
    5. Influence of Governance Policies
    6. World Cup FIFA
    7. Gender and Football
    8. Abuse in Football
    9. Winning
    10. Football Fans
    11. Football Hooliganism

    Pathway and Values

    The course will help working individuals gain insights into how football (soccer) functions as a microcosm of society. They will learn how various social, economic, cultural, and political factors impact the sport and its participants, fans, The course encourages critical thinking by analysing the intersections between football and society. Participants will learn to question and analyse issues such as racism, sexism, nationalism, and commercialization within the context of the sport. and stakeholders.

    Micro Award in Sports Officiating in Football

    Course Description

    The course is designed to explore the intricacies of sport officiating in football through this comprehensive course. Gain a deep understanding of rules, game management, and decision-making. Learn to navigate complex situations, enforce fair play, and maintain the spirit of the game. Develop essential communication and leadership skills. Ideal for both aspiring referees and football enthusiasts seeking a behind-the-scenes perspective.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction To Sports Officiating
    2. Developing Of Officiating Philosophy
    3. Psychology Of Officiating
    4. Managing Professional Responsiblities
    5. Personal Fitness For Officials And The Officiating Profession
    6. Officiating Techniques And Mechanics: Rules Explanation And Interpretation, Practical Experience
    7. Officiating Flag Football
    8. Communications With Players, Coaches Administrator And Spectators

    Pathway and Values

    Completing the course could lead to opportunity to get official certification as a football referee or official. This certification can provide credibility and recognition within the football community and make individuals eligible to officiate matches at various levels, from local leagues to potentially even professional games. The course would likely provide in-depth knowledge about the rules, regulations, and intricacies of football officiating. Participants would learn about different aspects of the game, including positioning, signaling, decision-making, and handling various game scenarios.

    This enhanced understanding can significantly improve their officiating abilities. For those interested in pursuing a career in sports officiating, obtaining a certification through this course can open doors to various opportunities. Depending on their level of expertise and experience, individuals could officiate matches at different levels of competition, from youth leagues to amateur leagues and potentially even higher levels.

    Micro Award in Football Exercise Methodology & Physical Conditioning

    Course Description

    This course is designed to enhance understanding of football exercise methodologies and physical conditioning. Exploring key principles, strategies, and techniques, it equips participants with insights into tailoring training regimens, preventing injuries, and optimizing performance.

    Course Outline

    1. Cardiovascular Endurance Training 2. Flexibility Training
    3. Theory Of Planning In Training
    4. Strength Training Through Weight Training
    5. Aerobic Conditioning
    6. Anaerobic Energy Training
    7. Aerobic Endurance Exercise Training
    8. Adaptations To Aerobic Endurance Training Programs
    9. Resistance Training And Spotting Techniques
    10. Resistance Training
    11. Adaptations To Anaerobic Training Programs
    12. Principles Of Testing Warm-Up, Flexibility And Stretching

    Pathway and Values

    This course equips working individuals with comprehensive knowledge about exercise methodologies and physical conditioning tailored specifically for football. By participating, individuals can significantly improve their overall physical fitness, including cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and agility. This enhanced fitness can lead to better health outcomes, increased energy levels, and improved quality of life. For busy working professionals, time is often limited.

    This course teaches efficient exercise methodologies that are specifically designed for football players. The course might introduce coaches to the utilization of sports science and technology in training. This knowledge enables them to incorporate data-driven insights into their coaching, leading to evidence-based decisions and more effective training plans.

    Micro Award in Football Performance Analysis

    Course Description

    This course is designed to delve into the intricacies of Football Performance Analysis. Explore techniques for assessing player and team dynamics, match strategies, and game outcomes. Gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge tools and methodologies, honing skills essential for enhancing performance and decision-making in the dynamic world of football.

    Course Outline

    1. Basic Football Performance Analysis
    2. Football Performance Indicator
    3. Football Game System and Tactics
    4. Principles of Play
    5. Principles of Play in Football Defence
    6. Art of Defending
    7. Principles of Play in Football Attack
    8. Art of Goal Scoring
    9. Match Preparation for Football
    10. Football Match Analysis (Quantitave Analysis)

    Pathway and Values

    Professionals in the sports industry, such as coaches, analysts, and team managers, will benefit from improved decision-making abilities. They will learn to analyze football performances to identify strengths, weaknesses, and patterns, leading to more informed strategic choices during matches. Learning football performance analysis provides access to a wealth of data. Analysts can extract valuable insights about player performance, team dynamics, and opponent strategies, enabling them to uncover trends and adapt strategies accordingly. Learning football performance analysis fosters analytical thinking and data interpretation skills that are applicable beyond sports. Individuals can use these skills in various contexts, such as problem-solving in their careers or daily life.

    Complimentary Programmes

    The following programmes are FREE to learn and will be required if you want a certified MQA diploma.

    Micro Award in Industrial Training

    Course Description

    This course is design to allow the participants to Immerse themselves in real-world industries. They will gain hands-on experience in diverse settings, refine technical skills, and understand industry workflows as well as collaborate with experts, tackle challenges, and develop a practical perspective on their chosen field.

    Course Outline

  • 18 weeks of industrial training.
  • Pathway and Values

    Industrial training focus on hands-on skills and real-world applications. Participants can gain practical experience that goes beyond theoretical knowledge, enabling them to perform tasks more effectively in their roles. Mastering new skills can boost an individual's confidence in their abilities. This newfound confidence can positively impact their performance, communication, and interactions with colleagues and superiors.

    For individuals working in office environments, gaining insights into other departments or functions within their organization through industrial training can lead to better cross-functional collaboration and a more holistic understanding of their company's operations. Mastering new skills and seeing the positive impact of these skills in their work can lead to increased job satisfaction for individuals. This can contribute to a more positive and fulfilling work experience.

    Micro Award in Introduction to Business & Mathematics

    Course Description

    This course is designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of how mathematics is integral to the world of business. Exploring concepts like financial analysis, data interpretation, and optimization, students will gain essential skills for effective decision-making and problem-solving in various business contexts. No advanced math background required.

    Course Outline

    1. Introduction: Your Future in Business Begins Now
    2. Entrepreneurship: Starting and Managing Your Own Business
    3. Understanding Evolving Economic Systems and Competition
    4. Forms of Business Ownership
    5. Understanding The Customer and Creating Goods and Service That Satisfy
    6. Set and Venn Diagram
    7. Counting Techniques
    8. The Binomial Theory
    9. Probability

    Pathway and Values

    Working professionals will learn how to apply mathematical concepts to real-world business scenarios, improving their ability to analyze complex problems, identify patterns, and make informed decisions. Participants will develop a solid foundation in financial mathematics, allowing them to understand financial statements, budgets, and forecasts. This knowledge is invaluable for roles involving budgeting, financial analysis, and planning. The intersection of business and mathematics is relevant across various industries. Professionals will be equipped to collaborate effectively with colleagues from different departments, fostering interdisciplinary teamwork. As industries evolve and become more data-driven, professionals with a solid understanding of business mathematics will be better equipped to adapt to technological advancements and changing business landscapes.

    Micro Award in English for Leadership

    Course Description

    This course is designed to enhance leadership communication through English proficiency. It covers persuasive writing, effective presentations, and intercultural communication. Develop linguistic skills crucial for leading diverse teams, articulating visions, and influencing stakeholders. Elevate your leadership impact with language precision and confidence.

    Course Outline

    1. Leadership styles and application
    2. Leadership effectiveness and measurement
    3. New Leadership and Charisma
    4. Power and influence
    5. Speaking English for the real world
    6. Personality Development
    7. Public speaking skills
    8. Introduction to Communication
    9. Interview skills
    10. Oral presentation

    Pathway and Values

    Participants will develop the ability to articulate their ideas, thoughts, and strategies effectively. Clear and concise communication is crucial for leaders to convey their vision, expectations, and plans to their teams, fostering a positive and productive work environment. Leaders need to foster strong relationships within their teams. The course will focus on interpersonal skills, active listening, and conflict resolution, helping participants create a cohesive and motivated team. Providing constructive feedback is essential for team growth. Participants will learn how to offer feedback that motivates improvement and supports professional development. Leaders must model ethical behavior through their communication. The course will emphasize the importance of honesty, transparency, and integrity in leadership communication.

    Micro Award in Presentation Techniques

    Course Description

    This course is designed to enhance your presentation techniques, equipping you with the skills to communicate effectively and confidently. Learn to structure content, engage audiences, and master delivery methods. Develop strategies for impactful visuals and handle Q&A sessions. Elevate your public speaking prowess and achieve compelling, memorable presentations.

    Course Outline

    1. The Art of Telling Your Story
    2. Graphics: The Correct Way to Design PowerPoint Slides
    3. Delivery Skills: Action Speaks Louder Than Words
    4. Handling Tough Question
    5. Putting it all together

    Pathway and Values

    Mastering presentation techniques equips working professionals with the ability to communicate effectively and clearly. This skill is invaluable in conveying ideas, updates, and proposals to colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. Engaging presentations captivate audiences and hold their attention. Professionals who can present their ideas persuasively are more likely to gain buy-in from colleagues, clients, and superiors, leading to successful project implementation and improved decision-making.

    Learning how to structure and deliver concise presentations helps professionals convey their messages efficiently. This skill is particularly valuable in meetings and discussions where time is limited. Presentation techniques also include strategies for handling unexpected situations, technical glitches, or challenging audience members. Working professionals can develop adaptability and quick thinking in such scenarios.

    For further information, please contact the person in charge below:

    Gee Mohammad
    +6017 6379134

    For further information, please contact the person in charge below:

    Ms Ilya Natasha
    Tel: 011-2333 5182